In my whole life, I have never felt so trapped as I do now.
When I used to look up at the sky and see the airplanes at the top of the world, I was overcome by a wanderlust deep in my soul.
I read books and adventures about traveling the world and I couldn’t wait to start my own.
Since 2012 I have been planning this journey in my head and in my heart. Every year I postponed it for another year. Until we finally started in January 2020.
But after almost 8 weeks it was already over.
The world is closed. What happened?
We have been sitting between chairs and benches in Switzerland again for over a month now and the return hits me very hard on the psyche. Before I could handle the feeling better because I knew I could get on a plane in Zurich and fly away. But now I cannot do that anymore.
The cozy mountains in my hometown are changing from day to day into prison walls and the sky no longer radiates a desire to travel. Trapped without a home of my own, without a plan, without anything. Waiting for the world to open up. But at what cost? What will change? How long will it last? Questions, questions, questions, that hit my mind very profound and let me experience the feeling of being on a rollercoaster.
Next to me is a book which we received as a gift at our wedding: “Wanderlust – Inspiration for a whole life”. How much my heart suffers when I open a page and look at, for example, Djema El Fna marketplace in Marrakech and think about how it is now empty and bare. How long will it take until people inhabit the world with joy and social distancing is removed from our vocabulary? I don’t know, but I do know that human beings need other human beings.
Social gatherings will flourish.
Sargans, Switzerland